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AARP Nurtures Great New Ideas to Help Older Adults

AgeTech Collaborative from AARP focuses on ways to transform aging


Investing in the Future More on the AgeTech Collaborative

Smart Home Can Help You, a Loved One Age in Place Now

Let devices gather data to reveal big picture of health

6 Innovations to Help People Live Better as They Age

Safety, independence possible by leaning into tech

1st Steps to Treating Dementia May Lie in Related Diseases

AARP-backed research could lead to new drugs


Discovering Innovators


Connect and Engage

How to Nurture Transformation

AARP's innovation chief aims to change the way companies — and their workers — think

Help to Live Better As You Age

We’re teaming up with start-ups and other innovators to spark new ideas and real solutions

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Follow us for the latest news, events and inspiration:

• Instagram: @agetechcollab

• LinkedIn: @agetechcollab

• @agetechcollab

• Twitter: @agetechcollab

• Web:

• YouTube: AgeTech Collaborative channel


A Legacy on the Leading Edge

AARP Founder Enhances Life, Security for Older Americans

From tackling high drug prices, isolation and more, Ethel Andrus became known as a problem solver

Retirement Community Becomes Model for the Ages

Ethel Andrus develops Grey Gables, a place for retirees to live graciously with dignity and purpose

A Visionary Home, Built in 1961, Stands the Test of Time

Universal features allow everyone to live safely and independently, especially as they get older

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