AARP Hearing Center
If you, or someone you know, is caring for an older parent or spouse, a child with disabilities, or other loved one—helping them live safely and independently at home—you know that this labor of love is often overwhelming, stressful and exhausting. And you aren’t alone. More than 40 million Americans are family caregivers and each one of them could use some support.
Fortunately, there’s a new state law in about 40 states that will have a real impact on their lives. The CARE (Caregiver Advise, Record, Enable) Act, known by different names in some states, helps family caregivers from the moment their loved ones go into the hospital to when they return home. AARP has been fighting for the CARE Act because supporting family caregivers is a top priority for all of us.
Find your state below* and download your free CARE Act wallet card. Print one for you and one for your loved one. Fold the cards, wrap around each of your insurance cards, and place them in your wallets. That way, you’ll both have the important information about this new law available when you need it most.
Wallet cards coming soon: Puerto Rico
(*) If your state is not listed above, the CARE Act has not yet passed. Click here to sign up for more information, and help us fight for more support for family caregivers in your state.