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Stories from Caregivers: Janet from PENNSYLVANIA





Caring for Two: When Mom and Dad Both Needed Me It's a blessing I'm not a worrier by nature, because I've needed to rely on my internal strength and level headedness the past few years! Since November 2003, and until my father's passing in December 2012, I was the sole caregiver for both my parents, Carlus and Lula Moore. Since my father's death, I've devoted myself full-time to my aging mother and her changing needs. My parents shared 65 years of marriage and provided a loving home and an abundance of memories. When it came time to reverse roles, I felt privileged to be their caregiver. In 2003, when the North Philadelphia row home adjacent to my parents' residence became available, I moved in next door. It had become clear that Mom and Dad needed assistance maintaining their independence, and the move enabled me to provide support around the clock. Until August 2009, I provided 24/7 care, ensuring mom and dad had everything they needed - trips to the doctor, proper medications in the right doses, and assistance climbing stairs and performing daily tasks. But soon, I worried I couldn't provide the right medical care. I researched outside support options that could keep him out of a nursing facility and in his own home with my mother. Through the Philadelphia Corporation for Aging (Philadelphia's Area Agency on Aging), a local resource for seniors, we found Mercy LIFE, a nearby program with several Adult Day Centers. Together, we decided to enroll Mom and Dad part time while I continued to provide care in the evenings and on weekends. Taking on a caregiver role undoubtedly requires strength, patience and compassion - and I armed myself with as much information as I could to navigate our best options. We lost my Dad in August 2013, but thanks to the support of his Mercy LIFE team of physicians, nurses and therapists, he was able to pass with dignity and peace in his own home. These days, my Mom and I are still next-door neighbors, and she continues to attend Mercy LIFE to reconnect with her friends and peers. I've resumed my favorite hobbies, including serving as neighborhood Block Captain and sewing custom religious garb for several neighborhood churches. I also donate my time to sewing prom dresses for local girls who otherwise may not be able to purchase them. I wouldn't change one thing about my caregiver role, and I'm grateful for every day with my Mom and for the quality time I had with my Dad during his last years. My best advice is to seek local resources through a community senior services organization. My family was fortunate to have access to the Philadelphia Corporation for Aging and Mercy LIFE, and I will always be grateful for their support.

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Every day, you deliver medicine. You deliver meals. You deliver love. Share your family caregiving story with AARP so we can deliver for you— fighting for more support, workplace flexibility, and financial solutions—while helping to ensure your loved ones are safe from COVID-19 whether they're living with you, in their own home, or in a nursing home.