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2020 AARP Livable Communities Transportation Workshop

Videos from the online event are available via the links below

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Held on September 15 and 16, the 2020 AARP Livable Communities Transportation Workshop was a virtual gathering of AARP staff, volunteers, community partners and livability practitioners. This national workshop explored transportation options that improve health; support vibrant neighborhoods; and connect people to economic, social and civic opportunities in their communities.

Through three core transportation themes — Safety, Accessibility and Resilience — the workshop shared best practices, insights and inspiring next steps for delivering a more effective transportation network for older adults and people of all ages.

Opening Remarks

Keynote Addresses

  • Veronica O. Davis, Co-Founder, Nspiregreen | Co-Founder, Black Women Bike DC 

A self-described "transportation nerd," Davis believes all people should have access to safe, reliable and affordable transportation. As the co-owner and principal of Nspiregreen, Davis is responsible for the management of transportation planning, policy development, master planning, sustainability analysis and long-range planning: Watch the Video

  • Toks Omishakin, Director, California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) 

Omishakin manages a $15 billion budget and nearly 21,000 employees who oversee 50,000 lane miles of highways, maintain 13,000 bridges, provide permitting of more than 400 public-use airports, fund three of Amtrak’s busiest intercity rail services, and provide transit support to more than 200 local and regional transit authorities: Watch the Video

  • Karina RicksDirector, City of Pittsburgh, Department of Mobility and Infrastructure

As the department's inaugural director, Ricks leads the city's efforts to design and implement a "complete network," establish resiliency projects around landslides and flooding, create policies and programs to manage emerging transportation (including shared services and autonomous vehicles) as well as strategies to address long-term sustainability: Watch the Video

Panel Discussions

1. Transportation Safety: Watch the Video

  • Moderator: Kyle Rakow, Vice President and National Director, AARP Driver Safety
    Rakow oversees the development and execution of AARP’s safe transportation educational programs, including the AARP Smart Driver course, the nation’s largest driver improvement course designed for drivers age 50 or older.
  • Beth Osborne, Director, Transportation for America 
    Osborne leads Transportation for America, a project of Smart Growth America, where she advocates for a transportation system that connects people to jobs and services by multiple modes of travel no matter their financial means or physical abilities.
  • Michael Carroll, Deputy Managing Director, Transportation, Infrastructure and Sustainability, City of Philadelphia | Secretary, National Association of City Transportation Officials (NACTO)
    With more than 25 years of experience, Michael Carroll is a nationally respected transportation leader.
  • Joseph Coughlin, Ph.D., Founder and Director, Massachusetts Institute of Technology AgeLab | Board Member, AARP 
    Dr. Joseph Coughlin conducts research on the impact of global demographic change and technology trends. He has advised the AARP Driver Safety program on market-based insights relating to transportation. 

2. Transportation Accessibility: Watch the Video

  • Moderator: Rodney Harrell, Ph.D., Vice President, AARP Public Policy Institute
    Rodney Harrell leads a group that provides thought leadership on family, home and community issues by developing research, policy analysis and innovative solutions.
  • Joseph Yawn, Transportation Technology Administrator, Atlanta Regional Commission  
    Joseph Yawn works closely with partners and stakeholders on advancing transportation technologies to help meet the commission’s goals.
  • Valerie Lefler, Founder and Executive Director, Feonix - Mobility Rising
    An expert in rural transportation and Mobility as a Service (MaaS) in low-density communities, she leads Feonix - Mobility Rising, AARP Driver Safety’s MaaS platform contractor.  
  • Eric Sinagra, Co-Founder/CEO, pathVu
    pathVu uses proprietary technology to help cities and municipalities identify problems with sidewalks and improve safety for all users.  
  • Tim Woods, General Manager, Autonomous Vehicle Alliance
    A nationally recognized consultant with more than 25 years of experience, Tim Woods works to drive innovation and the appropriate use of technology in consumer products and services. The Autonomous Vehicles Alliance is a collaborative research organization that  identifies and plans for the opportunities provided by autonomous vehicles.

3. Transportation Resilience: Watch the Video

  • Moderator: Gerri Madrid-Davis, Director, AARP Government Affairs
    Gerri Madrid-Davis works nationally to promote AARP’s state advocacy agenda and collaborates with AARP’s state offices to advance their legislative, regulatory and legal advocacy.
  • Scott Bogren, Executive Director, Community Transportation Association of America
    Scott Bogren has been working with, writing about and covering the public transportation industry for nearly three decades. 
  • Charles Brown, Senior Researcher, Alan M. Voorhees Transportation Center | Adjunct Professor, Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy, Rutgers University
    Charles Brown is a self-proclaimed "street level researcher" working at the intersection of transportation, health and equity. 
  • Barbara Hughes Sullivan, Executive Director, Village to Village Network
    Barbara Hughes Sullivan has a wealth of knowledge about aging and a tremendous passion for Villages, many of which provide transportation-related services. 
  • Jodi Olshevski, Executive Director, The Hartford Center for Mature Market Excellence
    Jodi Olshevski leads an award-winning, nationally-recognized team of gerontologists who conduct primary research and deliver expert services. 

Innovation Showcases


AARP Livable Communities Transportation Workshop

Page published September 2020

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