How You'd Cut the Deficit- The Results Are In
You used our budget calculator and then posted your ideas. But is Washington listening?
The Fiscal Wars: An Interactive Timeline
See, at a glance, the daunting issues that Capitol Hill lawmakers have been wrestling with — and how each one could affect you.
Out of Balance: The $607 Billion Problem
Here, at a glance, are the projected revenue and spending levels for the 2015 federal budget. It's not exactly a pretty picture.
Reality Check: The National Debt
Economist Dean Baker talks with AARP about how Washington is handling decisions regarding the national debt.
A leading defender of Social Security on the joint congressional ‘supercommittee’ talks about the challenges its members face.
Alice Rivlin: Leading Deficit Charge
An expert on fiscal policy, the economist heads efforts to close the nation's budget gap.
Time to Bury the Hatchet and Get to Work
"Both parties are playing chicken, hoping to force the other into a suicidal if courageous act of actual deficit cutting."
Reject Proposals to Cut Medicare Benefits
"Washington needs to stop viewing Medicare and Social Security simply as line items in the federal budget."
Ryan Plan Would Shift Costs to Older People
"We urge that we not upend crucial programs that will come at the cost of seniors’ health and financial security."
Panel Proposes Multiple Hits on Retirees
"AARP remains deeply concerned that the recommendations from the commission would take our nation in the wrong direction."
One Man's Obsession With Cracking Cold Cases
His drawings help families identify missing persons
Loving Families or Elder Abuse?
Give your 'verdict' in these real court cases
A shocking tale of love and abuse allegations
Stories From People Who Witnessed History
How they lived through extraordinary events