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Letters to the Editor



Photo of the November 2023 AARP Bulletin cover. The main headline says SUPER AGERS


The consensus seems to be that super aging is measured by memory [“Super Agers,” Cover Story, November]. I’m 81. I play pickleball six days a week. I jog occasionally. I just updated my textbook (the 11th edition). Yet I’ve always had a terrible memory. I have a doctorate from Harvard Business School. My degree didn’t require good memory. It required critical thinking and analysis. Perhaps researchers should develop other measures to determine whether one is a super ager.

I loved the article. So many people seem to think that if you’re over a certain age, you’re old! I work out, wear heels all the time and try and keep up with fashion. So many times, women will say, “Oh, you’re old. Let yourself go. You’ll be happier.” I don’t subscribe to that attitude.


Thank you for the excellent articles “Fixing the Caregiving System” and “The Emotional Toll of Being a Caregiver” [AARP Update]. I’m a retired 50-year-old RN, and I’ve been caregiving for a disabled husband for over five years. This is truly one of the hardest jobs I’ve ever had. Your articles were thorough and informative. I support the tax credit for caregivers.

We appreciate hearing from you. Write to: Bulletin Editor, Dept. RF, 601 E St. NW, Washington, DC 20049, or email Please include your address and phone number.

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