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This Ballpark Organist Takes Requests … Via Twitter


He’s a Hit With the Fans

Baseball organist discusses his style of play

Photo collage of Josh Kantor playing the organ at Fenway Park baseball stadium.

WHAT’S MORE ‘AMERICAN MUSIC’ than an organist cranking out sing-alongs between innings of a baseball game? Many stadiums are shifting to recorded music, but some organists are still plying their craft, including Josh Kantor, 50, in his 21st season at Boston’s Fenway Park.

1. You will throw the fans musical curveballs. What are some shocking segues?
I’ve started doing this thing where I make a medley out of two different songs you wouldn’t necessarily think would go well together [such as Beyoncé’s “Freedom” into Creedence Clearwater Revival’s “Born on the Bayou,” or “Take Me Out to the Ball Game” into AC/DC’s “Thunderstruck” into Sisqó’s “Thong Song”]. And, honestly, sometimes they don’t!

2. You take requests on Twitter during games. Are you learning songs on the spot?
That’s the thing that I’m foolish enough to do. Probably at least a quarter of the songs I play I’ve never heard before until that game. I just pull up a stream of the song on my laptop and listen to it in an ear while I’ve got the audio/video-production department on headset in the other ear. I’m just listening to the song, trying to figure it out. I know I’m probably gonna play only about 30 seconds of it, so I’m, like, What’s the catchiest part?

3. How many songs do you know?
Several hundred. But now I tend to forget a song almost as soon as I learn it. I don’t know if the hard drive in my brain is full.

4. Was becoming a ballpark organist a lifelong dream?
It sort of was a lifelong dream. When I was 13 we moved from Athens, Georgia, to the Chicago area and a cousin took me to a White Sox game. That was the first time I heard Nancy Faust, the legendary White Sox organist. I remember thinking, Man, that must be the coolest job in the world. Craig Rosen

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