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AARP Texas

Tirelessly working for Texans 50+ and their families
Rosie Reyes is motivated to make sure San Antonio Missions fans get more out of going to a Minor League Baseball game than just a fun night at the ballpark.
Find a location near you and shred your sensitive documents.
Media professional Jackie Gil joins AARP Texas as Associate State Director of Communications. In her new role, she will support the thriving Houston and Austin communities by leading communication campaigns, managing media relations, and crafting compelling narratives highlighting the impactful work being done by AARP Texas teams.
AARP has compiled a list of government, nonprofit and other aid available to help those impacted by the wildfires.
AARP is here to help you take on today – and every day. From sharing practical resources, to holding fun activities and events, AARP is providing opportunities to connect and help build an even stronger Texas for all ages to live, work and play. We hope you’ll join us!
Vegetarian Chile Rellenos Recipe for Mother’s Day
AARP Texas is planning events around the state this year to raise awareness about Social Security’s fiscal challenges, mobilize voter support for long-term solutions and urge lawmakers to act.
Agencias locales y organizaciones que pueden hacer el proceso de cuidar más fácil, no importa en qué punto de tu trayectoria te encuentres.
Austin City Council is proposing code amendments to enhance housing options and support transit investments.
Texas: Find upcoming election dates, registration deadlines and options for voting, such as voting by mail, early voting or voting with a disability.
Enter to win premium tickets to watch our Houston Astros & pre-game batting practice
AARP Dallas is offering several online workout series for the spring season
Giving of yourself to help others live their best life by volunteering is something that comes easy for some. AARP founder Ethel Percy Andrus believed in volunteering.
Texas: Encuentra información sobre las fechas de las próximas elecciones, fechas límite para registrarte y las distintas opciones para votar, como el voto por correo, adelantado o cómo ejercer tu derecho cuando tienes una discapacidad.
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Connecting you to what matters most, like neighbors do. Find events, volunteer opportunities and more near you.
About AARP Texas
Contact information and more from your state office. Learn what we are doing to champion social change and help you live your best life.