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spinner image Emergency Savings Infographic

Too many households do not have enough savings to cope with a typical unexpected expense, from a broken water heater to a broken arm. Even a small savings cushion could prevent families from being trapped in a harmful cycle of debt or from depleting their retirement savings to pay for common emergencies.

In response, a growing number of employers and financial services providers are incorporating emergency savings into their employee financial wellness programs. Combining policy and regulatory expertise with consumer insights, AARP’s David John is among leading experts who are shaping the field of workplace emergency savings programs.

AARP Public Policy Institute joined the Aspen Institute Financial Security Program, Bipartisan Policy Center, Commonwealth, and SaverLife to develop five key design principles policymakers should follow when implementing emergency savings policy. Read about these principles in a newly released blog.

Emergency Savings: The Issue

Saving Through the Workplace

Events & News

Emergency Savings Events


spinner image A man and a woman chatting in a conference room filled with attendees.


On October 10, 2023, AARP and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce presented a one-day, in-person conference bringing together policymakers, regulators, academic experts, and advocacy organizations to discuss solutions to expand emergency savings. The sessions covered employer and service provider perspectives on workplace emergency savings solutions, new research on the impact of emergency savings on financial security, and policy discussions on making emergency savings accessible to all Americans.


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Implementing Workplace Emergency Savings: Insights from Employers


We know employees want and need emergency savings accounts, but setting up a program may be daunting. That’s why AARP and the US Chamber of Commerce brought together a panel of benefit specialists from Humana, Delta, Amazon, and LEVI’S who have set up successful emergency savings programs. This webinar will walk us through the nuts and bolts of establishing a program, including everything from surveying employees, convincing the C-suite, vendor selection, program rollout and employee engagement.