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Free Publication: AARP Walk Audit Tool Kit

Learn how to assess and report on the safety and walkability of a street, intersection or neighborhood — and inspire needed change

spinner image The front and back covers of the AARP Walk Audit Tool Kit
The AARP Walk Audit Tool Kit publication is available in print or as a PDF download. The worksheets (see box below) are available as PDF downloads.
AARP Livable Communities

In too many communities, people can’t safely walk to where they need or want to go due to a lack sidewalks, crosswalks or other safety features that make streets safe for pedestrians and drivers.

A walk audit is a simple activity in which an individual or a team observes and evaluates the walkability of a location to document how and if pedestrians can safely travel along a street, navigate an intersection and get from point A to B, C and so on.

Get the Guide

The 28-page print edition of the AARP Walk Audit Tool Kit includes a back pocket for storing worksheets.

Publication number: D20381

Who can conduct a walk audit? Anyone!

The AARP Walk Audit Tool Kit can be used by local leaders, advocates, community organizations and residents to …

  • inspire the development of pedestrian-friendly streets

  • gather input about community infrastructure needs

  • help reduce traffic congestion and pollution

  • educate residents about street design elements that support safety

  • increase exercise opportunities for people of all ages

  • encourage social interactions among neighbors

  • enable people to get around without having to drive

  • give a boost to property values

  • empower community leaders and residents to be the agents of needed change

The Free Worksheet

The AARP Walk Audit Tool Kit's worksheets can be downloaded, printed and shared. Select the needed worksheet(s) or download the complete collection.

spinner image 11 AARP Walk Audit Worksheets

The tool kit publication provides step-by-step instructions and checklists for examining intersections, sidewalks, driver behavior, public safety and more.

Since the walk audit survey is user-directed, it can take as little or as much time as desired by, say, spending 15 minutes at one busy corner or devoting several hours to documenting several roadways in a neighborhood.

The documented results can be shared with elected officials and other local leaders when advocating for such safe streets features as sidewalks, crosswalks and properly timed traffic lights.

Page updated June 2022

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