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Evans Station Lofts


Many factors influence the livability of a community. As such, PPI’s work is cross-cutting in nature, covering the topics of land use, transportation, housing, and other topics under single title. Livable neighborhoods offer a variety of conveniences: access to jobs, healthy food, and services such as libraries and parks. Often a variety of destinations are within walking or biking distance, or are connected by bus routes or train lines.

AARP Land Use Principles

  • Create communities with a strong sense of place
  • Promote mixed-use development
  • Enhance access  
  • Prioritize investment in sustainability
  • Foster lifelong-learning opportunities

For detailed information on our policies around Livable Communities, please see our policy book.

Featured Publications

Communities Are Embracing Development Near Transit

This report, Communities Are Embracing Development Near Transit: A Snapshot of Transit-Oriented Development Support across the United States, details the ways state, regional, and local actors proactively foster TOD.

What Is Livable?

Community preferences of older adults

Land Use & Crosscutting Livable Communities Themes

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Using a mix of graphics, expert interviews, and other footage, AARP Public Policy Institute’s award-winning series is designed to “lift policy off the page.”