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Find facts and figures about the U.S. workforce and issues facing older workers.

Age Discrimination

More than 45 years after the passage of the Age Discrimination in Employment Act, older workers and jobseekers continue to face unfair treatment by employers.

America’s Aging Labor Force

This fact sheet examines labor force participation by age and sex.

Disability and Employment

This fact sheet uses data from the 2012 American Community Survey to document the employment status of people with disabilities by age, sex, and race/ethnicity.

Discrimination Against the Unemployed

The unemployed, particularly those without a job for more than six months, are stigmatized in the labor market.

Europe Catches Up: Older Worker Employment in the EU and USA

The European Union has far outpaced the growth of older-worker employment in the United States.

Family Caregivers in the Workplace

Older workers’ caregiving responsibilities for ill or disabled family members will grow as the share of older workers in the labor force increases and as numbers of older people needing care increases.

Health Insurance and Work

This fact sheet examines the health insurance status of workers age 50-64 and the sources of their insurance.

Labor Market Discrimination Against Older People with Disabilities

Older workers are disproportionately affected by disability-based discrimination, as many disabling conditions and the presence of multiple disabilities correlate with aging.

Long-Term Unemployment

Profiles of the long-term unemployed are presented by age and demographics.

Part-Time Employment

Workers ages 65 and older are substantially more likely than those ages 25 to 64 to work part time; however, full-time employment for the oldest age group has been increasing.

Self-Employment and Older Workers

This fact sheet highlights older workers and why they are more likely to be self-employed.

The Changing Faces of America's Workers

This fact sheet looks at America's labor force over the past several decades.