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AARP New Jersey commissioned an omnibus poll with the Eagleton Center for Public Interest Polling (ECPIP).  The purpose of the poll was to gauge resident support for a proposed nuclear subsidy by Public Service Electric and Gas (PSEG) to keep its two nuclear power plants in Salem and Hope Creek operational. 

Key findings include the following:

  • Respondents were asked how willing they would be in paying an additional fee on top of what they already pay for electricity to keep the state's nuclear plants operational. An overwhelming majority say they are not interested in paying the subsidy.  In fact, fifty-one percent said they are not willing at all and 24 percent say they are not too willing to pay an additional fee.  One in six (16%) say they are somewhat willing, while only 3 percent say very willing. 

  • New Jersey residents also agree that an independent and public assessment should be made to determine if it is economically feasible for PSEG to continue operating the plants without a subsidy.  When asked, more than four in ten (43%) strongly agreed and about one-quarter (26%) somewhat agreed that an independent assessment should be made. About two in ten (22%)  disagreed [somewhat disagree (11%); strongly disagree (8%)] that an independent assessment is necessary.  

This statewide poll included 1,203 adults contacted by live callers on both landlines and cell phones from Nov. 15-27, 2017.  Interviews were conducted in English and, when requested, Spanish. The data were weighted to be representative of New Jersey adults. The sample is balanced to match parameters for sex, age, education, race/ethnicity, region, and phone use. The sex, age, education and race/ethnicity parameters were derived from 2015 American Community Survey PUMS data. The region parameter was derived from 2011-2015 American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates based on total population.  For more information contact Cassandra Cantave at