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8 Common Mistakes Older Job Seekers Make

spinner image avoid these mistakes to find a job over 50
Getty Images

Job-Hunting Mistakes

Age discrimination can make it harder to find a new job, but job seekers can also undermine their own efforts by making these eight errors. Correct them before they cost you your next opportunity.

spinner image Kicking Back and Taking a Break
Zohar Lazar

Mistake: Kicking Back and Taking a Break

Fix: Keep busy. Employers look for self-starters. Remain active by consulting or blogging in your field, so you can raise your profile.

spinner image Using Dated Email Accounts
Zohar Lazar

Mistake: Using Dated Email Accounts

Fix: AOL and Yahoo email addresses mark you as dated. Consider creating a professional email address for your job hunt with Gmail or Outlook. If your name has already been claimed, add something that identifies your profession, such as jsmitheditor or jsmithmarketing.

spinner image Missing a Digital Presence

Mistake: Missing a Digital Presence

Fix: Tweet, friend and connect. Consider this: Recruiters use LinkedIn and other social media tools to find candidates. "The biggest mistake I see is older job seekers confusing privacy with invisibility," says Susan P. Joyce, an online job-search expert.

spinner image Lacking Salary Flexibility
Zohar Lazar

Mistake: Lacking Salary Flexibility

Fix: Temper salary demands. This is a deal breaker for lots of older workers, who find it insulting to be offered less than they were making in their last job. One way to soften the blow is to negotiate for more flextime, vacation days and other perks that can bump up your package so you don't lose face.

spinner image Overlooking Contacts
Zohar Lazar

Mistake: Overlooking Contacts

Fix: Network, network, network. This is business. You never know who might be in a position to help or introduce you to someone who can. Dig deep into your network to connect with folks you may have worked with years ago, or college and high school classmates (think Facebook). Even parents of your kids' friends can help.

spinner image Overdoing Your Résumé
Zohar Lazar

Mistake: Overdoing Your Résumé 

Fix: Limit yours to two pages. Recruiters will scan it in 20 or 30 seconds. Choose a traditional font such as Times New Roman. Tell a story with short snippets: that you cut costs by a certain amount, or improved sales by 25 percent. Restrict your work history to the past 10 years. And proofread it!

spinner image Ruling Out Jobs
Zohar Lazar

Mistake: Ruling Out Jobs

Fix: Don't overthink the job description. Treat a job posting as an ideal. Often it's a wish list of what a company would love a new employee to have, but only a number of the requirements are really essential. A good attitude and a solid work history will carry you the rest of the way.

spinner image Waiting for the Perfect Job

Mistake: Waiting for the Perfect Job

Fix: Stop living in the past. Don't pass on a job because you don't think it's an ideal fit. It might be; it's just not what you had been doing. When it comes to landing a job, don't be stuck in the idea that you need to replace the job you had before. Look at your skill set and experience as transferable.

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