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Mama Always Said: Take Our ‘Forrest Gump’ Quiz

Run like Forrest to test your knowledge of this famous film

spinner image tom hanks sitting on a bench in a scene from the movie forrest gump
Sunset Boulevard/Getty Images

On July 6, 1994, director Robert Zemeckis and actor Tom Hanks introduced the world to Forrest Gump, a lovable mama’s boy and loyal friend who lived a remarkable life. Like its titular character, who finds himself bearing witness to some of the most significant events of the 1960s and ’70s, the movie Forrest Gump made history by becoming one of the most iconic and memorable films of the 20th century — and one of the most esteemed, earning an impressive 13 Oscar nominations and six wins. To celebrate the 30th anniversary of the film’s release, we’ve put together a quiz that’s chock-full of fun Forrest Gump facts. If you ace it, we’ll celebrate with Bubba Gump shrimp and chocolates.

Question 1 of 10

True or false: The character of Forrest Gump was written with Tom Hanks in mind.

spinner image tom hanks running in a scene from the movie forrest gump
Sunset Boulevard/Getty Images

Forrest Gump is based on a 1986 novel by Winston Groom. Although Tom Hanks won an Oscar for his portrayal of Groom’s protagonist, he wasn’t the first, second or even third choice for the role. Groom — whose version of Gump is 6 foot 6 inches tall and 242 pounds — wrote the character with John Goodman in mind, and director Robert Zemeckis reportedly wanted to cast Bill Paxton. Meanwhile, Bill Murray, Chevy Chase and John Travolta all turned the part down.

Question 2 of 10

Forrest Gump was born and raised in which state?

Forrest Gump hails from the fictional town of Greenbow, Alabama. “One of the things that was most important to everyone, and in particular to Forrest, was his home of Alabama,” producer Wendy Finerman said in audio commentary for the movie’s 25th anniversary Blu-ray release, according to Alabama news website Even so, the movie wasn’t actually filmed in Alabama. Production was based in Beaufort, South Carolina, and scenes were shot throughout the South — primarily in South Carolina and Georgia.

Question 3 of 10

What symbolic object appears in both the first and final scenes of the film?




spinner image a red rose
Issarawat Tattong/Getty Images



spinner image a butterfly
Sue Zellers/Getty Images



spinner image a feather
PLAINVIEW/Getty Images



spinner image a rainbow
Tatiana Gerus/Getty Images

In the opening scene of Forrest Gump, an ethereal white feather falls from the treetops to the streets of Savannah, Georgia, where it lands at the feet of Forrest Gump who is sitting on the iconic park bench where he narrating his life story to a series of strangers. The feather — which director Robert Zemeckis has said is a metaphor for the randomness of life — reappears at the end of the film, when it falls from a book as Forrest waits with his son for the school bus to arrive.

Question 4 of 10

True or false: The movie Forrest Gump inspired a real-life restaurant chain, Bubba Gump Shrimp Co.

Forrest meets his shrimp-obsessed “best good friend,” Bubba, while serving in Vietnam. Following Bubba’s death from combat wounds during the war, Forrest establishes a shrimping business in his honor: Bubba Gump Shrimp Co. Following the film’s success, entrepreneur Anthony Zolezzi licensed the name “Bubba Gump Shrimp Co.” from Paramount Pictures, and in 1996 he opened his first restaurant. Today, the chain has 34 locations across nine states and seven countries.

Question 5 of 10

In one of the film’s many memorable lines, Forrest likens his relationship with Jenny to what?

spinner image robin wright and tom hanks in a scene from the movie forrest gump
Sunset Boulevard/Getty Images

"Jenny and me was like peas and carrots," Forrest says of Jenny, his lifelong love and best friend. Director Robert Zemeckis said Forrest and Jenny represented opposite versions of America. Jenny was the aimless, unfulfilled America represented by sex, drugs, and rock ’n’ roll, while Forrest was "the ideal of what America was supposed to be — Mom, God and apple pie," Zemeckis said in audio commentary for the movie’s 25th anniversary Blu-ray release, according to Alabama news website

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Question 6 of 10

Lt. Dan was wounded in which U.S. war?

spinner image gary sinise and tom hanks in a scene from the movie forrest gump
Sunset Boulevard/Getty Images

Forrest Gump meets Lt. Dan Taylor while serving under him in the Vietnam War. When Forrest’s platoon is ambushed, Lt. Dan is critically wounded. Although Lt. Dan eventually loses his legs, Forrest saves his life — a brave act for which he receives the Congressional Medal of Honor. What you might not realize is that the war scenes in Forrest Gump were inspired by a true story: Medal of Honor recipient Sammy Lee Davis saved three wounded men in Vietnam and is known as “The Real Forrest Gump.”

Question 7 of 10

Forrest is a world champion at what sport in the film?

Thanks to his fast legs, Forrest Gump becomes an unlikely football star, attending the University of Alabama on a football scholarship. But that isn’t the only sport at which he excels. While recovering from a wound he sustained in Vietnam, Forrest learns table tennis and quickly dominates, eventually playing in China and becoming a world champion. Although Tom Hanks shows off some serious skills in the movie, he filmed the scenes without a ball. The ball was added later with special effects.

Question 8 of 10

True or false: Sally Field was only 10 years older than Tom Hanks when she played his mother in the movie.

spinner image tom hanks and sally field in a scene from the movie forrest gump
Sunset Boulevard/Getty Images

Field was 47 years old — a mere 10 years older than Hanks, her 37-year-old costar. Just six years prior, Field had played Hanks’ love interest in the 1988 dramedy Punchline.

Question 9 of 10

Which figure from American history does NOT appear in Forrest Gump?

Among the most memorable scenes from Forrest Gump are those depicting Forrest alongside historical figures like Elvis, JFK and John Lennon. In a deleted scene, Forrest even encounters Martin Luther King Jr. when he distracts dogs trying to attack him during his 1965 march from Selma to Montgomery, Alabama. “We felt we went a bridge too far,” screenwriter Eric Roth told Yahoo! Entertainment in a 2019 interview. “So … we didn’t use it.”

Question 10 of 10

True or false: You can sit on the same park bench made famous by the movie’s iconic bench scenes.

The park bench where Forrest tells his life story to a parade of strangers who sit beside him now resides behind a velvet rope at the Savannah History Museum in Savannah, Georgia. While the bench scenes were filmed in Savannah’s historic Chippewa Square, where there are plenty of real park benches, director Robert Zemeckis wanted a bench that faced the street so Forrest could be filmed waiting for the bus. Because no such bench existed, the crew used a temporary fiberglass prop bench.

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