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2011 National Spelling Bee Word List

These words (in order of use) are provided as an example only. Please see the official rules and regulations before studying for a future bee.  For a printable version of this list, download our pdf version.

Written Round 1
Greetings, rubric, baleen, utmost, yen, notorious, chronogram, formidable, scrumptious, blandish, maelstrom, rhythm, percipient, efficacy, gristle, pekoe, iritis, beautification, delectable, avatar, jimjams, oldster, kickshaws, univocal, lionized.

Written Round 2
imprimatur, coloratura, pinafored, plausible, feckless, xeriscape, semiterrestrial, anaerobic, vestiary, flounced, youthquake, buildable, taupe, sergeant, calyx, insurrectionary, googolplex, rowel, dysthymic, kibosh, mnemonic, knowledgeable, cheroot, oakum, aardvark.

Written Round 3
mien, ibex, skerries, quailed, verbicide, bovids, leviable, azoic, hemidemisemiquaver, upsilon, gardyloo, carambola, homonuclear, flagon, plagiarized, imamate, acidulous, palmary, dissimilarity, mirth, enervating, burnished, calliope, pirogue, capacious.

Written Round 4
zabaglione, grandiloquent, parricidal, juddering, naiad, quipu, supercilious, indefeasible, rosacea, quebracho, condign, scion, kwashiorkor, tombac, daguerreotype, heulandite, eloigned, oligochaete, ensorcellment, plasmalemma, enosis, bhang, tzimmes, jaborandi, vespertine.

ORAL Rounds: #101-#200
gagaku, equinoctial, semblable, nuchal, emended, inselberg, nonillion, quale, necessitousness, cyme, surreptitiously, nephelometric, brummagem, deckle, makebate, ctenoid, orchidaceous, pungling, damascening, integumentary, chevelure, miscible, rhomboidei, bedizened, pyxis, monorchidism, oleaginousness, weald, milpa, decorticators.

ORAL Rounds #3
carrefour, rhythmically, espalier, indecipherable, lechwe, mafficked, ewer, ytterbium, roosed, wedels, bargello, lobscouse.

ORAL Rounds #4
bathypelagic, pirn, guayabera, struthious, witloof, veery, rhytidome, diphthongal, kibe, orgeat.

ORAL Rounds #5
chymotrypsinogen, buboes, kymographic, repechage, dicotyledonous, chlorophyllous, zalcitabine, scintigraphy, ciguatera.

ORAL Rounds #6
siamang, balmacaan, appetency, phthalocyanine, naumachia, deliquesce, buddleia, dolichocephalic.

ORAL Rounds #7
infundibular, azidothymidine, jacal, intussusception, sclaffer, paroxysmal, breeks.

ORAL Rounds #8
sialagogue, perikaryal, deltoidei, amaurosis, irenically, saguaro.

ORAL Rounds #9
montmorillonitic, dace, balbriggan, quern, oxidoreductase.

ORAL Rounds #10
ayahuasca, ornithischian, haffet, satyagraha, bellwether.

ORAL Rounds #11
prolegomenous, scungilli, oersted, ichthyosaurian, yoctosecond.

ORAL Rounds #12
faille, tmesis, hyaluronidase.

ORAL Rounds #13
rectrix, semasiological, flysch, acetophenetidin, meshuggener.

ORAL Rounds #14
duumvir, tyiyn, prosopopoeia, feirie.

ORAL Rounds #15
oligopsonistic, dodecaphonically, barbicel, erysipelas.

ORAL Rounds #16
reminiscential, seiche, acetylcholinesterase, loessial

ORAL Rounds #17
dichlorvos, embonpoint, aphaeretic, parallelepiped.

ORAL Rounds #18
kallikrein, sannup, ixodid, molybdenum, cholangiogram, challises, irrefragability, tinamou, acyl, futtocks, leishmaniasis, callithumpian, glaucousness, rya, zygapophysis, dybbuk, agammaglobulinemic, haruspices, usquebaugh, autochthonous, razee, glyphic, elide, reliquiae, yogh, gharial, bawbee, veridicality, aposiopesis, solipsist, polyonymous, griot, banteng, supererogation, chyme, khoums, kerygmatic, queuer, pogonophoran, aeciospore, empyreal, uncinariasis, uakari.

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