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2014 Archives: Financial Security and Consumer Affairs

AARP correspondence to lawmakers and regulators

The following documents related to consumer affairs and the financial security of people 50-plus are presented in reverse chronological order.


L:  On Dec. 4, 2014 AARP sent a letter to the entire U.S. Senate urging them not to adopt as part of year-end spending legislation a proposal that impairs a fundamental tenet of pension law and permits multiemployer pension plans to cut the earned and vested pension benefits of current retirees. Making significant and far-reaching changes to pension law without scrutiny of the legislative proposal and with no opportunity for debate or amendment is unacceptable. (PDF)


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L = letter         

C = comment        

S = statement for the record

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C:  AARP filed comments on Nov. 14, 2014, to the Federal Communications Commission reiterating AARP’s views on the transition to the next generation networks, which AARP has expressed in greater detail in earlier filings with the Commission. AARP appreciates that during the Commission’s open meeting scheduled for November 21, it will consider a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, Declaratory Ruling, and Order on the transition, with the objective of promoting and preserving the Commission’s public safety, consumer protection, and competition goals.  AARP favors developing regulatory parameters that can support an effective transition for consumers. (PDF)


L: On July 22, 2014, AARP sent a letter in advance of the Senate Finance Committee's legislative hearing on the Social Security Disability Insurance program (SSDI) to express support for Social Security, including its disability insurance functions, as well as support for rebalancing payroll taxes to ensure the earned benefits of 11 million disabled Americans and their families are not reduced or put at risk. (PDF)

C: AARP formal comments submitted for the record with the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) on July 15, 2014. Net neutrality, or the “openness of the Internet,” is enabling new applications and services that are enhancing older American’s quality of life, including new methods of delivering health care and support for independent living. Policies to promote a vibrant and competitive Internet ecosystem are essential for the continuation of this success, so there must be robust open Internet policies. (PDF)


L: AARP sent a letter of endorsement on February 6, 2014 for the Safe Streets Act of 2014. This bipartisan legislation will help ensure that future transportation investments create appropriate and safe transportation facilities for all those using the nation’s roads, regardless of age and ability. (PDF)


L:  AARP sent a letter on January 6, 2014 to the full Senate urging Senators to renew Emergency Unemployment Compensation benefits. A Senate vote was pending on the bipartisan bill to extend these benefits for the long-term unemployed, especially those living in high-unemployment states. (PDF)

L: AARP sent a letter on January 10, 2014 to Senators urging them not to use a Social Security disability insurance (SSDI) offset to pay for emergency unemployment insurance benefits. AARP has consistently advocated against using permanent reductions in Social Security benefits to pay for other government spending.  (PDF)

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