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2016 Archives: Financial Security and Consumer Affairs

AARP correspondence to lawmakers and regulators

The following documents related to consumer affairs and the financial security of people 50-plus are presented in reverse chronological order.


C: On August 22, 2016 AARP provided comments in support of the proposed rule to establish 12 CFR part 1040 to govern the use of arbitration in consumer contracts for financial services and products.  AARP previously has elaborated in numerous comments filed with the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) the reasons behind AARP’s conclusion that predispute mandatory arbitration harms consumers.  AARP strongly supports banning predispute mandatory arbitration, which eliminates accountability for unlawful practices and limits consumer access to remedies when they are injured by such practices.  (PDF)

Government Watch Archive Legend

L = letter         

C = comment        

S = statement for the record

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L: On July 13, 2016 AARP issued a letter in support of the Social Security Must Avert Identity Loss (MAIL) Act of 2016, which would protect Social Security numbers (SSNs) from inappropriate public disclosure.  Personal information about Social Security benefits, such as Social Security numbers (SSNs), is critical financial information and must be afforded the highest level of privacy protection. (PDF)
L: On July 13, 2016 AARP issued a letter in support of the Equal Treatment for Public Servants Act.  The Act establishes a better rule to make it easier for the Social Security Administration and individuals who are currently subject to the Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) to determine and receive their earned Social Security benefits. (PDF)


L:  On June 7, 2016 AARP issued a letter to all Members of Congress, providing its views on the Puerto Rico Oversight, Management, and Economic Stability Act (PROMESA).  Because of AARP’s commitment to the health and financial security of older Americans everywhere, AARP recognizes the gravity of the current fiscal crisis in Puerto Rico and the impact it is having on the island’s citizens, 5 million Puerto Ricans residing on the mainland, and many other Americans.  (PDF)

L:  On June 21, 2016 AARP issued a letter in support of the Retirement Savings Lost and Found Act of 2016, which will create a national on-line listing of employees’ retirement accounts to help workers keep track of their often multiple accounts accumulated over their working lifetimes.  The current system does not adequately meet the needs of today’s workers who need to preserve their savings for future retirement income needs. (PDF)


C:  On May 11, 2016 AARP submitted comments to the Department of the Treasury, Office of Financial Education concerning the Financial Literacy and Education Commission’s draft National Strategy Update, Promoting Financial Success; National Strategy for Financial Literacy Update.  AARP’s comments relate to the focus of the National Strategy and the evolving nature of financial education in the workplace. (PDF)
L:  On May 20, 2016 AARP sent a letter to Sen. Collins expressing support for savers and investors having reliable access to effective disclosures concerning their retirement plans and investments.   AARP believes that in many instances, reliable disclosure should be presumed to mean paper, rather than electronic, delivery of information. (PDF)
C:  On May 31, 2016 AARP submitted comments to the Internal Revenue Service concerning Annual Return/Report of Employee Benefit Plans.  Comments were focused on information that plan sponsors should report on the Form 5500 and its related schedules to the Department of Labor, the Internal Revenue Service and the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation. (PDF)


C: On April 21, 2016, AARP sent a letter to the U.S. Department of the Treasury, providing supplemental comments on the application by the Central States Pension Fund Board of Trustees to cut the pensions of plan retirees. These cuts – which break a longstanding promise made to hundreds of thousands of retirees without timely notice or retiree involvement in the decision-making process – fail to meet the statutory requirements for approval.  (PDF)
C: On April 12, 2016, AARP sent a letter to the U.S. Department of Labor commenting on the proposed regulations to implement the President’s Executive Order 13706, requiring certain federal contractors to provide their employees up to 7 days of earned paid sick days per year.  With the aging of the population and the workforce, ensuring adequate supports for family caregivers, including those family caregivers in the workplace, is one of AARP’s top priorities. (PDF)
C: On April 11, 2016, AARP provided comments to the Social Security Administration supporting efforts made by the Social Security Administration (SSA) to explore improving the Ticket to Work program as part of their ongoing efforts to help beneficiaries find and sustain work that leads to increased independence and improved lives. (PDF)
C: On April 25, 2016, AARP provided comments in response to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission’s (EEOC) Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) to amend its regulations to clarify the federal government’s obligations to undertake affirmative action for individuals with disabilities in the federal government.  The contemplated regulations are vitally important to workers of all ages, but AARP is particularly interested in ensuring that federal sector employment practices adequately respond to the needs of workers with disabilities as they age, and older workers who may acquire disabilities when they get older.  (PDF)


C:  On January 28, 2016 AARP sent a comment letter to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) concerning wellness programs.  AARP has consistently and actively participated in policy discussions by the EEOC regarding the application of the civil rights laws to wellness programs, including by filing extensive comments in response to the EEOC’s recently proposed regulations changing the treatment of wellness programs under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).  Now, the EEOC is proposing substantial changes in its treatment of wellness programs under the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act of 2008 (GINA).  AARP appreciates this opportunity to offer our comments on this important issue. (PDF)

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