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AARP Caregiving Expert: Lee Woodruff

Lee Woodruff is an author, public speaker and journalist.

A former contributing reporter for CBS This Morning and Good Morning America, she's the best-selling author of three books as well as numerous articles and essays. She now runs a communications and media training business, working with clients around the globe.

After a roadside bomb in Iraq injured her husband, ABC News journalist Bob Woodruff, the couple founded the Bob Woodruff Foundation. The foundation has invested about $70 million in innovative programs to meet the needs of injured veterans, their families and caregivers nationwide.

In addition to the Washington Irving Award for fiction for her novel Those We Love Most, Woodruff has earned numerous national awards and recognition for her work and advocacy on behalf of veterans and caregivers.

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Lee's Latest Columns

How Faith and Spirituality Can Play an Important Role in Family Caregiving

Many say it provides strength, community and a bigger purpose to their role


How Patients and Caregivers Can Proactively Approach an Alzheimer’s Diagnosis

Steps to take that may help slow progression of the disease and increase network of support


Chasing Satisfaction, Not Happiness, May Be a Healthier Goal for Family Caregivers

Therapist Jennifer Guttman offers 6 secrets to building resilience and strength 


Feeling Angry as a Family Caregiver? You Are Not Alone

How to acknowledge and deal with challenging emotions


How to Set Boundaries as a Family Caregiver

Sometimes saying ‘no’ is the only answer 


How Family Caregivers Can Deal With Nosy Neighbors

Learn ways to brush off unsolicited input and advice


The Underlying Issue of Caregiving: Fear

Learn therapeutic techniques to help pause spiraling thoughts and regain a sense of control


Missing My Mother at Christmas: The End of Caregiving

My mother is gone, but nearly a year later I feel she is still with me


How to Care for Someone Who Refuses to Care for Themself

Ways to avoid resentment when apathy, inaction or a ‘bad decision-making’ exacerbates a loved one’s health problems


Veterans Caregiving for Veterans: Military Spouses Support and Serve Each Other

Two couples share how they thrive even through challenging times 


18 Years After My Husband's Injury, I Still Have Caregiving PTSD

Traumatic events can have a long-term impact on a person’s well-being


When a Dying Friend Keeps Her Distance

Death doula explains how to respect and accept different end-of-life choices


My Journey as a Family Caregiver in the Wake of Grief

Five months after my mother’s death, I’m feeling more at peace


Handling an Adult Child's Death: The Aftermath of Long-Term Caregiving

Parents use the painful loss of their son to make a difference for others like him


The Challenges and Joys of Caregiving for a Grown Child With a Disability

How caregivers can manage expectations, prioritize self-care and find the right support network


Valuable Lessons Caregivers Can Learn From Nurses

Tips and advice from the pros who provide care for a living


What I Learned From My Mom’s Approach to Death

Final months filled with grief, gratitude and life lessons


Caregiving for a Spouse After a Traumatic Injury

Geralyn and Jonathan Ritter’s relationship weathered a tragic accident and came out stronger


Military Family Caregivers Share Their Triumphs, Pain

Decades after loved ones suffered battle injuries and illness, the caring continues


Doctors Turned Patients: What Family Caregivers Can Learn

Being on the other side of the stethoscope can offer a fresh viewpoint



Green Burial Options Can Spur End-of-Life Conversations

A ‘gradual goodbye’ process can ease caregiver stress, aid acceptance


Twin Sister Caregivers Team Up to Fight Cancer and Help Millions Along the Way

Siblings’ tight bond is their secret weapon in fighting multiple health challenges


How to Be a Partner, Not a Parent, When Providing Care for a Spouse

Ways to keep the romantic connection alive despite illness or injury



More About Lee


  • Consultant, executive communication and media training
  • Contributing reporter, Good Morning America, 2012 to 2016
  • Contributing reporter, CBS This Morning, 2008 to 2011


Select associations and memberships

  • Board of trustees, Colgate University
  • Board member, Musician Treatment Center of Austin
  • Member, Veterans’ Family, Caregiver and Survivor Advisory Committee, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs


  • Bachelor of Arts, Colgate University