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‘The Golden Bachelorette’ Episode 6 Recap: ‘Just Because We're in Our 60s Doesn't Mean We're Going to Bed at 9 o'clock!'

Joan has big feelings for two of her remaining bachelor suitors, but two are too scared to commit

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Joan travels the country for an eye-opening week of hometown dates with her remaining men.
Gilles Mingasson/Disney


On the emotionally nailbiting, high-stakes “Hometowns Week” (Episode 6) of the first-ever season of ABC’s The Golden Bachelorette (airing Wednesday nights on ABC, 8-10 p.m. ET; streaming on Hulu the next night), there were four guys still vying for the love of the rather elusive Joan Vassos, 61: Frenchman Pascal, 69; earnest and amorous Chock, 60; regular-dude Jordan, 61; and ER doctor Guy, 66, the last semifinalists in an original field of 24 men

If you think a wedding rehearsal is stressful, try four de facto rehearsals in a row

Wedding bells (and an all-expense-paid honeymoon) are in Joan’s future if she so chooses, but first she has to go to each fellow’s hometown and meet his family and closest friends. What she said when contemplating her visit to Chock in Wichita also applied to all four hometown visits:  “I’m a little nervous going there, because it's his friends and family, and it's a big group, and I'm thinking, how am I going to remember all these names?” She had to do this over and over in the Hometowns episode.

Joan is still carrying a torch

Another obstacle to endless love was Joan’s ambivalence about the whole dating scene. For a widow ostensibly on the hunt for a new husband, she remains awfully preoccupied by the late love of her life, John, her husband of 32 years. But the show must go on, in life and on TV, and her mixed emotions show that for grownups, romance is…complicated.

“I don't think I'm at the love place yet, because I'm very protective of my heart,” she confessed, “but I'm moving in that direction. So I hope that I will be in a really good place to find the next great love of my life.”

There were 9 mentions of this special “journey” of courtship by Joan and her suitors during this episode, down from 14 last week, up from an all-time low of 8 the week before — yet mercifully fewer than the 24 mentions of the word during the premiere.

As the need to make an ultimate decision looms for everyone on the show, everybody started talking about the need to guard one’s heart: the word “guard” was uttered nine times — equaling the mentions of “journey.”

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Her first home date with Guy had ominous overtones

“I wish to find someone to spend my golden years with,” Joan said, and the setting was promising: a boat ride with Guy on spectacularly blue Lake Tahoe. “It's like our happy place, so relaxing,” she said. “But everything I haven't done since John passed away brings up a new memory. John had my heart for so many years. It's weird to think that somebody else could be part of me.” Guy asked her, “Shall I guard my heart? Am I going to be set up for a letdown?” Unreassuringly, she replied, “Part of it is me thinking about John's memory, and feeling kind of guilty that how could I then have feelings for somebody else? This guilt keeps creeping in. I deserve to have love, but I have to let go of John a little bit.”

Joan got along great with Guy’s family members, who told him how devastating his divorce was and rooted for her to marry him ASAP and join the clan. 

“My only worry for him is that he might be heartbroken,” said Guy’s son. “They say fools rush in, but sometimes you got to be a fool when it comes to love.” When he asked Guy to rate his love for Joan on a scale of one (low) to 10 (absolute love), Guy took 1.5 seconds to say, “9.5.” 

“Really?” said his son. “Do you think you propose?”

Four seconds later, Guy said, “Yes. I've fallen for this woman. That's the God's honest truth,”

Truthfully, is Joan really reciprocating Guy’s crush on her?

Their smooches didn’t look blazing with passion, and Joan told Guy’s son their relationship “was kind of like a slow burn. He just was always so sweet and always so considerate. That's what I need in my life now, just like a good person.” She praised his vulnerability. “He's so open to love. I feel like our relationship is better than ever.” But is it good enough?

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She clicked with standoffish Frenchman Pascal

Pascal came to America with not much and built a salon that completely impressed Joan. “Seeing him and his natural element is very sexy. I have pretty strong feelings about Pascal. He has a zest for life, and it's a fun thing at this age. I picture a very fun life with him.” Crucially, Pascal’s big personality reminds Joan of her husband. “John made everything big and epic and fun —  that is attractive to me.”

Helping Joan with her salon apron, Pascal said, “I'm not trying to be fresh.” “OK, you can be fresh!” Joan merrily replied.

But guess how Pascal was feeling?

On the plus side, the chemistry is evident. “She’s a classy lady,” said Pascal. “There is definitely zee physical attraction!”

Alas, he’s just as wounded as Guy. “My dad is not really opening his heart to the process,” explained Pascal’s also handsome son. “He's being too guarded and protective of himself.”

“I got my heart broken many times,” Pascal told Joan after their sexy salon bonding experience. “I got hurt bigtime last year. Just give me time.”

Pascal’s family was as wild about Joan as Guy’s were. “They are the hottest couple I think I've ever seen,” enthused Pascal’s daughter. “He had the biggest smile on his face, and she had her hand on his leg. And I was like, ooh! Like, this is, this is pretty serious.”

“I really saw a level of happiness in my dad today that I don't normally see,” said Pascal’s son. “He cried today, which for as long as I've been alive, I've never seen that.”

Joan wound up feeling fonder than ever of Pascal. And also fretting that she might be the one who winds up crying. “I'm not sure if he's ready. I don't know if he'll ever get there. Like, all this is getting really, really real, and I'm getting scared.”

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With Jordan, the heat died down and the walls went up

In Chicago to meet Jordan’s family, Joan admitted the sparks hadn’t exactly lit up the skies for them. “Jordan and I have had a slow progression, maybe slower than the other ones, but doesn't mean that we're not going to get there,” she said. He fed her what he insisted was the best cake in the country, and she loved his energy. “Just because we're both in our 60s doesn't mean we're going to bed at nine o'clock at night!”

However, despite having a good time on their date, they did not appear to be rushing to go to bed together. Jordan’s daughter explained to Joan that ten years after her dad’s divorce, he still hadn’t dated anyone seriously. “His walls are getting deeper and deeper. That's why he's always leading with humor, like a buffer to like, what's really going on.”

The family encounters are often more incisive than the bachelor-bachelorette scenes. Jordan’s daughter asked Joan, “The other guys — are they more open than my dad? Or is everybody in the same place emotionally? 

“So two of them are very open or ready to commit,” Joan said. “ And then I have your dad and another man [Jordan] that are both like a little…oh, boy! And honestly, your father is the one that I worry maybe he wouldn't pick me if I picked him. So he does hurt me a little bit.”

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Joan met Chock’s family at a fraught moment

Her hometown date with Chock was intense for two reasons: his mother had recently died, and Chock was the first of all the bachelors that caught her fancy. “Chock was one of my strongest connections, right from the beginning, and he's fun, and he's kind, and he's just a really good guy,” Joan said. “This one is really Important.”

She told Chock’s daughter, “I’m crazy about your dad.” “I’m crazy about the girl,” Chock told his dad, who demanded, “Are you in love with Joan?”

“It's getting closer, that's alI I'll say. It's just I'm so reserved, and a lot of it's I just don't want to get hurt.”

“You don't want to get hurt, but it's in your face, it's in your eyes, and I don't think you can dodge it much longer,” he cautioned. Wise advice.

“Possibly I have the deepest connection with [Chock]. We have a lot in common. We have a lot of the same hopes for the future.”

She made big strides with Jordan — but not to the finish line

They had a great day and deepened their bond, Joan granted. “We made big strides in our connection. But he never says things like, ‘I see maybe a future.’ I don't want to invite somebody on this next part of this journey if they're never going to get there with me. I'm at kind of the same place with Pascal.”

“I have two that are very committed, that's Guy and Chuck, and I have both Pascal and Jordan, who have been very noncommittal. I've gone through it a gamut of emotions, and it's weighing on me.”

In the end, Joan chose the sexy, elusive Pascal (plus Guy and Chock), and sent the less sexy, equally elusive Jordan home.

Coming right up: trouble in paradise

In previews of Episode 7, we glimpse exotic shots of Joan’s adventures in Tahiti with the three potential men of her dreams. But we also heard the most ominous words yet heard on The Golden Bachelorette: “He said, ‘I know what true love is, and I don't feel it for you.’ What's wrong with me? It hurts to think that I might wait for nobody.”

Uh-oh! Better tune in next week!

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